Tuesday, January 03, 2006


I had an experience that aroused and expanded me. It was the type of thing that could only happen in the hills of Kentucky or else right here in New York City. You see, my first order of business Jan. 1, 2006 was to talk Jim into publishing Roulette TV as an RSS newsfeed. I rode down to the Roulette Foundation on the subway. As I was sitting there minding my own business, three men came on the car. They looked like rough characters. The zeal of the leader and his charismatic presence scared me. When he said, “Excuse me ladies and gentlemen!” I clutched my purse. The man beat 1-2-3-4 with his cane, and the homeless singers started shouting out inspired, pitch perfect, rhythmically vibrant gospel. “Oh Martha Don’t You Weep.” The fellows came over to where I was sitting and sang right to me. The leader, a baritone, sat down with me after the song. He said, “I felt your light from way across the car. Sister, We have all given up drugs and we are following God.” I said, “Bless you. It is beautiful. Please sing some more gospel.” They went into “This Little Light of Mine.” I could not contain myself, I felt the Holy Ghost moving on me and I started to sing. The subway doors opened and I stepped out at Canal Street, still singing, they followed me, singing in perfect harmony behind me. The people standing on the platform were stunned by what must have looked like a religious apparition: 3 black bums singing like angels and a white woman with blond hair down to her knees singing “Light, Light Light!” on a high C. “She’s got a voice on her” the leader said, and we sang together as I ran up the stairs. When I got to Jim’s I was still feeling wonderful, so great, because the spirit came on me right in the New York subway. Praise the Lord.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Spirit
is kinder
than governments-It always
beauty to
where it's

11:31 AM  

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