Saturday, January 21, 2006

Symphony No.6 in F major Op.68, "Pastoral" (1808)

Click the words Symphony No. 6 to watch our video blog live from Avery Fisher Hall.

At the pre concert lecture with scholar Charles Bornstein AK gave a fresh translation
to Beethoven's Allegro!!

This symphony is all built up from the interval of the fourth - fa-do. and a simple motto
- repeated, inverted, transmogrifed into an architecture of breathtaking beauty
by Ludwig Van- one of the most perfect musical intelligences of all time.

The Liszt death dance ( Totentanz) for Piano Orchestra was a marvel, performed with feeling, fire and stupendous physical strength by Canadian piano virtuoso Louis Lortie

and the last work on the program Prokofiev's Scythian Suite (1915) - a pungently exquisite work that came two years after Stravinsky's Rite of Spring - primitive, modern, creative - I loved it. Glisses in the violins, Pings in the triangles, cymbals, harps, very beautiful

Afterwards we ate Weiswurst at the Heidelburg Resto.

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Juilliard is deep

Started at Juilliard this week. It's a dream come true. Practicing everyday on those gorgeous Steinways.... hearing my music mix with all that Beethoveen and Mozart and Brahms in the air everywhere....

Went to Chamberfest 2006 last night, heard L'Histoire Du Soldat ,and a work by a composer named Jefferson Friedman. New Tonalism gaining energy...

Met John Corigiliano. He said he tries "to express truth and deep things - using very simple structures to make very complex sounds.... how clever ears are..."

Friday, January 06, 2006

Blog as Sapient Instrument

Thing is, the blog can become a tool of perception and self knowledge just as incisive as Van Gogh’s reed pen or the peyote of the Native American Church. For instance, some people have this idea that the East Village was cooler and more creative in the late 80’s when we were kids. But you look at an entry like the one below, from 7 PM last night - Hoop, an Outside Genius, brought back my Celebrity Blow Job Painting from a Baird Jones Exhibition. In addition, Hoop delivered a white nude torso for me to embellish as part of his upcoming exhibit at the Fusion Gallery. Listen man, the East Village is still Superfun. My life is gorgeoua with the signs metaphors images and sounds of Godhead EVERY SINGLE DAY, even though I’m not screwing anyone particularly famous right now.
So I wish everyone would stop bellyaching about how the East Village has changed. Just open your eyes. Artists are everywhere.

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Art Car Artist Hoop on 10th St.(Click This to Play Video)

David Weinstein blogs into my cell phone at the end of our meeting

this is an audio post - click to play

Reporting from the Street

this is an audio post - click to play

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Dancing With Angels (video)

This headline is clickable. Peter Adair shot the film and I wrote the words and music.

I just returned from Tennessee where Charles and Richard introduced me to these Snake Handling Holiness folks and I loved them.
I would have included some Hopi Snake Dancers in the video but that is secret and they don't want to be filmed. I'm singing in Lakota there. You hear me fusing Yma Sumac, Pop and Native American singing. I thank the Creator for gifting me again and again and again with healing songs.

I will be performing Dancing with Angels with a great guitar shaman, Johnny Asia and with Gus Mancini at Pauline Oliveros' Deep Listening Space in Kingston, NY on January 26th at 8:30. The phrase Dancing with Angels was written in an email to me by Johnny after he received my Christmas card.

The Holy Mystery

Originally uploaded by missphoebelegere.

Marquis De Slime Part 3 (movie)

The 4 Nurses of the Apocalypse live in the Paris Catacombs.


I had an experience that aroused and expanded me. It was the type of thing that could only happen in the hills of Kentucky or else right here in New York City. You see, my first order of business Jan. 1, 2006 was to talk Jim into publishing Roulette TV as an RSS newsfeed. I rode down to the Roulette Foundation on the subway. As I was sitting there minding my own business, three men came on the car. They looked like rough characters. The zeal of the leader and his charismatic presence scared me. When he said, “Excuse me ladies and gentlemen!” I clutched my purse. The man beat 1-2-3-4 with his cane, and the homeless singers started shouting out inspired, pitch perfect, rhythmically vibrant gospel. “Oh Martha Don’t You Weep.” The fellows came over to where I was sitting and sang right to me. The leader, a baritone, sat down with me after the song. He said, “I felt your light from way across the car. Sister, We have all given up drugs and we are following God.” I said, “Bless you. It is beautiful. Please sing some more gospel.” They went into “This Little Light of Mine.” I could not contain myself, I felt the Holy Ghost moving on me and I started to sing. The subway doors opened and I stepped out at Canal Street, still singing, they followed me, singing in perfect harmony behind me. The people standing on the platform were stunned by what must have looked like a religious apparition: 3 black bums singing like angels and a white woman with blond hair down to her knees singing “Light, Light Light!” on a high C. “She’s got a voice on her” the leader said, and we sang together as I ran up the stairs. When I got to Jim’s I was still feeling wonderful, so great, because the spirit came on me right in the New York subway. Praise the Lord.

Monday, January 02, 2006

Sailing On The Sound (movie)

This short movie features my
mailbox, my paintings, my birthday emblems and my roses

All of your worries have you tied up in knots
You need to go on a spree
Let go of your thoughts
You need some sea air, need to feel the sea breezes
last Weekend in Greenport I saw Moses and Jesus

Sailing On the Sound
I was Lost but now I'm found
I think I'm going to Settle down
Put my Anchor down
Sailing on the Sound

Sloshing Round the Lobster Pound
On the Azure Pleasure ground
Have a drink and lounge around
You know that this is holy ground
Sailing on the Sound

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Expedition to Tibet (movie)

I had to use my small camera because this was shot in sacred temples and at sacred sites at 18,000 feet +.
You can hear me panting from the altitude, but it's also the ecstacy and excitement of hanging out with people who are truly enlightened.

The Waltz

From the first moment I knew that Ann-Katrin's New Year's party was going to be extraordinary. In the kichen she said, "Choose a glass that best expresses your personality." All of the glasses were decorated. I chose a white leaf. Then she gave me two small cards, a slver one and a gold one, She said "On one card write what you wish to leave behind and on one card what you want to have in the new year." The cards were threaded through with a red ribbon.

The loft is dominated by Ann - Katrin's spectacular art photographs of Prince Edward Island. There were interesting things everywhere - the most wonderful sculptures and party hats - a tree with handmade ornaments - everything was perfect and creative. The women were wearing extremely progressive , one- of- a -kind dresses and jewelry - things like asymetrical peplums and gold wire accessories. Katrins mother wore a fascinating turban as she played the Djembe. Katrin was wearing a long black taffetta ball gown and a beret! And each girl had her little cards pinned or dangling from her dress. Charming!

Everyone I met was brilliant - her teacher from Parsons School of Design, her trainer, and of course, Count Petrokov, an extremely tall man from Georgia....

Barnaby read my Tarot Cards. I was represented by the Moon card and the next card drawn, the most important - The Lovers. My future was looking very rosy indeed, until....

at the end, the card that is not you, but effects you all the time -a dreadful card - someone weeping, someone very sad. And then Barnaby drew the last card and said, and this card shows that none of this sorrow exists. Your karma is your own! Oh the person on the card looked so terribly terribly sad - Barnaby said "Do you know who it is?" and I recognized them instantly. Barnaby gave me with a beautiful drawing collage as a New Years gift..

Then it was time for New Years. We gathered in a circle on the floor and Carolyn, a beautiful brunette, started ringing a Tibetan bell and guiding us through a meditation. We could hear the raucous celebrations in the distance, but it seemed irrelevant. It was exquisite to meditate silently as the year changed over.

Then, because Katrin and Her mother often spend New Years in Vienna, we walzed to Stauss. Count Petrokov took me in his arms and started to twirl me. We were looking into each others eyes and the room was swirling and we were twirling and the world was a blur all around us, the only thing in focus was the Count's beautiful face, his dark eyes flashing and his sensual Slavic mouth smiling with all the ecstacy of a perfect moment.

Ann-Katrin called us out to her terrace, which hangs over the Hudson River. Katrin had a decorous little bonfire where we burned the things we wished to leave behind and kept the things we wanted for the New Year.

Then a big improvisation where I got so inspired I the spirit of God came on me and I started to dance, I must have danced for 20 minutes, leaping and spinning, I felt so good. Suddenly the people started to leave and it was time to say goodnight.

As I walked throught the West Village, which I adore with a lovers passion, I thought, " this has been the perfect New Years Ever. I've only had a few glasses of Champagne, I'm not drunk, and I feel clear and strong. It's time to go home "

I fell by Sweet Basil's and met a Jazz Promoter, went to another club called Employees Only, now seriously into a new mode,
some guy identified me as a celebrant and followed me all the way home begging me to go home with him. A good guy, handsome, clean, obviously employed, he said something about Hedge Fund, and I almost cracked but did not. I must have given him my card because he called me when I got home.

Stopped off at Ruby Fruit. ( girls club) I was really warmed up for dancing by this time and did some with a girl who looked like Gwenth Paltrow. Her girlfriend was not pleased.

Oh boy, I was deep into a New Year thing by this time.


I played a private party 6 - 8 on a rebuilt 1913 Steinway which was near the window. I was looking out toward Central Park and the dark trees there. Played Caravan for about 45 minutes, spiraling higher and higher through the chords. I met a guy in "financial services" there with whom I exchanged ideas. The lady wanted to pay me cash in her bedroom. The bed looked nice.